Parents' Night Out 親の夜遊び > Everyday English

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Parents' Night Out 親の夜遊び


Parents' Night Out

Joe: Can you get a baby-sitter for tonight?

Susan: I don't know. Why?

Joe: Well, I thought we could go out for dinner and then go to a movie afterward.

Susan: I can call Debbie and see if she's available. She usually doesn't like to sit during the week, but she might make an exception.

Joe: Well, do that, and then call me at the office if you have any luck.

Susan: Okay, but don't get your hopes too high. It's hard to find a good baby-sitter these days.

## Parents' Night Out 英語講義

1. 会話文を日本語に翻訳







2. 会話文に出てくる単語翻訳


3. 全体内容に出てくる文法

 - 疑問文

    * Can you get a baby-sitter for tonight?:今夜ベビーシッター頼める?

    * Why?:なんで?

    * I don't know.:知らない。

    * Is she available?:空いてる?

    * Do that.:それをやって。

    * Don't get your hopes too high.:期待しないでね。

 - 依頼文

    * Can you call Debbie and see if she's available?:デビーに電話して空いてるかどうか聞いてみてくれる?

    * Do that, and then call me at the office if you have any luck.:それをやって、もし頼めたら、オフィスに電話して教えて。

 - 仮定法

    * She usually doesn't like to sit during the week, but she might make an exception.:平日はあんまりベビーシッティングしたくないって言ってたけど、特別にやってくれるかも。

    * It's hard to find a good baby-sitter these days.:最近、良いベビーシッター見つけるの難しいから。

 - 現在形

    * I thought we could go out for dinner and then go to a movie afterward.:ちょっとね、晩御飯食べて映画でも観に行こうかなと思って。

    * Debbie usually doesn't like to sit during the week.:平日はあんまりベビーシッティングしたくないって言ってたけど。

    * It's hard to find a good baby-sitter these days.:最近、良いベビーシッター見つけるの難しいから。

 - 未来形

    * I can call Debbie and see if she's available.:デビーに電話して空いてるかどうか聞いてみてくれる?

    * Do that, and then call me at the office if you have any luck.:それをやって、もし頼めたら、オフィスに電話して教えて。

    * We could go out for dinner and then go to a movie afterward.:ちょっとね、晩御飯食べて映画でも観に行こうかなと思って。

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