After the Game 試合後 > Everyday English

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Everyday English

After the Game 試合後


After the Game
Gloria: Did you watch the game last night?

Roy: I sure did. I wouldn't have missed it for anything!

Gloria: I think it was one of the best games I've ever seen.

Roy: Me too. I thought both teams played super ball. Too bad one had to lose.

Gloria: Yeah. I thought they were evenly matched. It could have gone either way!

Roy: That shot that won in the last fifteen seconds was really something.

## 英語会話「After the Game」を英語学習者向けに解説

1. 会話文を日本語に翻訳

グロリア: 昨日の試合見た?

ロイ: 当然だよ! 絶対に見逃せない試合だったからね!

グロリア: 私も今まで見た中で最高の試合の一つだと思う。

ロイ: 俺もだよ。両チームとも超絶プレーだったと思う。でも、一チームは負けるしかなかったね。

グロリア: そうだね。互角だったと思う。どっちに転んでもおかしくなかったね!

ロイ: 最後の15秒で決まったあのシュートは本当にすごかった。

2. 会話文に出てくる単語翻訳(10個)

1) miss (v.) - 見逃す、逃す
2) anything (pron.) - 何でも、なんでも
3) ever (adv.) - 今まで、これまで
4) super (adj.) - 超、とても
5) ball (n.) - ボール、球
6) lose (v.) - 負ける、敗れる
7) evenly (adv.) - 互いに、平等に
8) matched (adj.) - 対抗する、互角である
9) could have gone (phr.) - できたかもしれない、ありえた
10) either way (phr.) - どっちでもいい、どちらでも

3. 全体内容に出てくる文法 簡単に説明


 疑問文: Did you watch the game last night?
 肯定文: I sure did. / I think it was one of the best games I've ever seen. / Me too. / Yeah.
 否定文: I wouldn't have missed it for anything. / Too bad one had to lose. / That shot that won in the last fifteen seconds was really something.
 過去形: watched, missed, had, seen, played, lost, won, was
 動詞の連体形: super ball, evenly matched, could have gone either way
 副詞: sure, ever, super, too bad, really
 代名詞: anything, one, that, either way
 接続詞: but, and, so, could have gone either way

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