"I'd better not ~": やらない方が無難
"I'd better not ~": やらない方が無難
- 構造
I'd better not + 動詞の原形
- 例文
I'd better not go out tonight. It's raining too hard.
She'd better not tell him the truth. He might get angry.
We'd better not cross the street yet. It's not safe.
- 必須表現
I'd better not (私はすべきではない)
go out (出かける)
tell him the truth (彼に真実を伝える)
cross the street (道路を渡る)
raining (雨が降っている)
get angry (怒る)
safe (安全)
- 注意
* 強い表現なので、相手との関係性 に注意して使う必要があります。
* 命令形 のようなニュアンスになるので、丁寧な言い方 を心がけましょう。
* 代替表現 として、"shouldn't" や "ought not to" を使うこともできます。
- 活用
I'd better not touch the electrical outlet. It's dangerous.
She'd better not eat that mushroom. It might be poisonous.
We'd better not stay up too late tonight. We have an early morning tomorrow.
I'd better not talk during the movie.
She'd better not interrupt the teacher when he's speaking.
We'd better not litter on the beach. It's bad for the environment.
You'd better not go swimming alone. It's dangerous.
She'd better not tell her boss about her plans to quit yet.
We'd better not forget to bring our passports to the airport.
- アドバイス
* "I'd better not ~" は、危険 や トラブル を避けるための忠告 として使うことができます。
* "I'd better not ~" を使うことで、自分の意見 を明確 に伝えることができます。
* "I'd better not ~" を使うときは、具体的な理由 を説明すると、より説得力が増します。
- 構造
I'd better not + 動詞の原形
- 例文
I'd better not go out tonight. It's raining too hard.
She'd better not tell him the truth. He might get angry.
We'd better not cross the street yet. It's not safe.
- 必須表現
I'd better not (私はすべきではない)
go out (出かける)
tell him the truth (彼に真実を伝える)
cross the street (道路を渡る)
raining (雨が降っている)
get angry (怒る)
safe (安全)
- 注意
* 強い表現なので、相手との関係性 に注意して使う必要があります。
* 命令形 のようなニュアンスになるので、丁寧な言い方 を心がけましょう。
* 代替表現 として、"shouldn't" や "ought not to" を使うこともできます。
- 活用
I'd better not touch the electrical outlet. It's dangerous.
She'd better not eat that mushroom. It might be poisonous.
We'd better not stay up too late tonight. We have an early morning tomorrow.
I'd better not talk during the movie.
She'd better not interrupt the teacher when he's speaking.
We'd better not litter on the beach. It's bad for the environment.
You'd better not go swimming alone. It's dangerous.
She'd better not tell her boss about her plans to quit yet.
We'd better not forget to bring our passports to the airport.
- アドバイス
* "I'd better not ~" は、危険 や トラブル を避けるための忠告 として使うことができます。
* "I'd better not ~" を使うことで、自分の意見 を明確 に伝えることができます。
* "I'd better not ~" を使うときは、具体的な理由 を説明すると、より説得力が増します。