"be worried ~": 心配する
"be worried ~": 心配する
- 構造
be worried about + 名詞
be worried that + 節
- 例文
I'm worried about my son. He hasn't come home yet.
She is worried about her job. She might lose it.
We are worried about the exam. It's next week.
- 必須表現
be worried (心配している)
about (について)
son (息子)
come home (家に帰る)
job (仕事)
lose (失う)
exam (試験)
next week (来週)
- 注意
* "be worried" の後ろには、名詞またはthat 節 を続けることができます。
* "about" は、名詞の前に必ず使います。
* that 節 の中では、主語と動詞の関係に注意する必要があります。
- 活用
I'm worried about my grandmother's health. She's been sick lately.
She is worried about the safety of her children. They're playing outside alone.
We are worried about the weather. There's a storm coming.
I'm worried about my finances. I'm not sure how I'm going to pay the bills this month.
She is worried about her job security. The company is downsizing.
We are worried about the economy. It's been in a recession for a long time.
I'm worried about my relationship with my boyfriend. We've been arguing a lot lately.
She is worried about her future. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life.
We are worried about our children's education. We want them to have the best possible opportunities.
- アドバイス
* "be worried ~" は、自分の心配を明確かつ簡潔に表現するのに役立ちます。
* 程度 を表す副詞 (very, a little, etc.) を使って、心配の度合い を表現することができます。
* "worry about" は、具体的な対象 についての心配を表現するのに適しています。
* "worry that" は、未来 や 仮定 についての心配を表現するのに適しています。
- 構造
be worried about + 名詞
be worried that + 節
- 例文
I'm worried about my son. He hasn't come home yet.
She is worried about her job. She might lose it.
We are worried about the exam. It's next week.
- 必須表現
be worried (心配している)
about (について)
son (息子)
come home (家に帰る)
job (仕事)
lose (失う)
exam (試験)
next week (来週)
- 注意
* "be worried" の後ろには、名詞またはthat 節 を続けることができます。
* "about" は、名詞の前に必ず使います。
* that 節 の中では、主語と動詞の関係に注意する必要があります。
- 活用
I'm worried about my grandmother's health. She's been sick lately.
She is worried about the safety of her children. They're playing outside alone.
We are worried about the weather. There's a storm coming.
I'm worried about my finances. I'm not sure how I'm going to pay the bills this month.
She is worried about her job security. The company is downsizing.
We are worried about the economy. It's been in a recession for a long time.
I'm worried about my relationship with my boyfriend. We've been arguing a lot lately.
She is worried about her future. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life.
We are worried about our children's education. We want them to have the best possible opportunities.
- アドバイス
* "be worried ~" は、自分の心配を明確かつ簡潔に表現するのに役立ちます。
* 程度 を表す副詞 (very, a little, etc.) を使って、心配の度合い を表現することができます。
* "worry about" は、具体的な対象 についての心配を表現するのに適しています。
* "worry that" は、未来 や 仮定 についての心配を表現するのに適しています。