"Guess what ~" : 当ててみて!
"Guess what ~" : 当ててみて!
- 構造
Guess what + 文
- 例文
Guess what! I got a new job.
Guess what I bought for you?
Guess what happened on my vacation!
- 必須表現
guess (推測する)
what (何)
got (手に入れた)
bought (買った)
happened (起こった)
- 注意
* 文脈によって、"Guess what" のニュアンスが微妙に変化します。
* 単純に何かを当ててもらうために使う場合と、相手を驚かせたり喜ばせたりするために使う場合があります。
* "Guess what" の後に続く文は、相手が簡単に推測できるような内容である必要があります。
* あまりにも難しすぎる内容や、相手が知らないような内容だと、面白さが半減してしまう可能性があります。
- 活用
Guess what! I just won the lottery.
Guess what I learned to do yesterday?
I have a surprise for you. Guess what it is!
Guess what happened to me on the way to work this morning.
I had the most amazing dream last night. Guess what it was about.
You won't believe what I just heard! Guess what it is.
Let's play a guessing game. Guess what I'm thinking of.
I'm going to give you some clues. Guess what the object is.
This is a very difficult one. Can you guess what it is?
- 構造
Guess what + 文
- 例文
Guess what! I got a new job.
Guess what I bought for you?
Guess what happened on my vacation!
- 必須表現
guess (推測する)
what (何)
got (手に入れた)
bought (買った)
happened (起こった)
- 注意
* 文脈によって、"Guess what" のニュアンスが微妙に変化します。
* 単純に何かを当ててもらうために使う場合と、相手を驚かせたり喜ばせたりするために使う場合があります。
* "Guess what" の後に続く文は、相手が簡単に推測できるような内容である必要があります。
* あまりにも難しすぎる内容や、相手が知らないような内容だと、面白さが半減してしまう可能性があります。
- 活用
Guess what! I just won the lottery.
Guess what I learned to do yesterday?
I have a surprise for you. Guess what it is!
Guess what happened to me on the way to work this morning.
I had the most amazing dream last night. Guess what it was about.
You won't believe what I just heard! Guess what it is.
Let's play a guessing game. Guess what I'm thinking of.
I'm going to give you some clues. Guess what the object is.
This is a very difficult one. Can you guess what it is?