"How much does it cost to ~?" : ~するのにいくら
"How much does it cost to ~?" : ~するのにいくら
- 構造
How much + does + it + cost + to + 動詞の -ing 形
- 例文
How much does it cost to go to the cinema?
How much does it cost to learn English?
How much does it cost to get a taxi to the airport?
- 必須表現
cost (費用)
go to (行く)
learn (学ぶ)
get (手に入れる)
taxi (タクシー)
airport (空港)
- 注意
* 動詞は現在形 である必要があります。
* "it" は、尋ねているもの (映画、タクシー、料理教室など) を指します。
* "to" は不定詞の目的語を表します。
- 活用
How much does a hamburger cost at McDonald's?
How much does it cost to get a haircut?
I'm wondering how much a new phone costs.
I need to find out how much it costs to travel to Europe.
We're planning a party, so we need to figure out how much it will cost.
I'm not sure if I can afford to go on vacation this year.
I'm trying to decide between two cars. How much does each one cost?
Which is cheaper, flying or taking the train?
I'm looking for a hotel that's not too expensive.
- アドバイス
* "How much does it cost to ~?" は、旅行中や新しいことを始めようとしているときに役立つ表現です。
* 具体的な金額がわからない場合は、"approximately" (約) や "around" (およそ) などの言葉を使いましょう。
* "How much is it?" とも言えますが、"How much does it cost to ~?" の方がより丁寧な表現です。
- 構造
How much + does + it + cost + to + 動詞の -ing 形
- 例文
How much does it cost to go to the cinema?
How much does it cost to learn English?
How much does it cost to get a taxi to the airport?
- 必須表現
cost (費用)
go to (行く)
learn (学ぶ)
get (手に入れる)
taxi (タクシー)
airport (空港)
- 注意
* 動詞は現在形 である必要があります。
* "it" は、尋ねているもの (映画、タクシー、料理教室など) を指します。
* "to" は不定詞の目的語を表します。
- 活用
How much does a hamburger cost at McDonald's?
How much does it cost to get a haircut?
I'm wondering how much a new phone costs.
I need to find out how much it costs to travel to Europe.
We're planning a party, so we need to figure out how much it will cost.
I'm not sure if I can afford to go on vacation this year.
I'm trying to decide between two cars. How much does each one cost?
Which is cheaper, flying or taking the train?
I'm looking for a hotel that's not too expensive.
- アドバイス
* "How much does it cost to ~?" は、旅行中や新しいことを始めようとしているときに役立つ表現です。
* 具体的な金額がわからない場合は、"approximately" (約) や "around" (およそ) などの言葉を使いましょう。
* "How much is it?" とも言えますが、"How much does it cost to ~?" の方がより丁寧な表現です。