"get along with ~" : ~と仲がいい > 英語必須パターン

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"get along with ~" : ~と仲がいい


"get along with ~" : ~と仲がいい

- 構造
get along with + 人称代名詞

- 例文
I get along well with my family.

She doesn't get along with her classmates.

We get along well with most people we meet.

- 必須表現
get along (仲良くする)
well (よく)
family (家族)
classmates (クラスメイト)
meet (会う)

- 注意
* "get along with" は、相互の関係を意味します。つまり、一方だけが仲良くしているという状況ではありません。
* "get along" だけでも同じ意味で使えますが、"with" を付けることで、誰と仲良くしているのかを明確にすることができます。

- 活用
I get along with my best friend really well.

My brother and sister don't always get along.

It's important to get along with your coworkers.

I feel like I can get along with anyone.

She is easy to get along with.

He is the kind of person who is hard to get along with.

We need to find a way to get along with each other.

It's important to be able to get along with people who are different from you.

I hope we can get along better in the future.

- アドバイス
* "get along with ~" は、人間関係について話すときに便利な表現です。
* 肯定的な意味だけでなく、否定的な意味でも使うことができます。
* 程度を表す副詞 (well, badly, etc.) を使って、仲良しの程度を表現することができます。

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