"I can't wait for ~": ~が待ちきれない > 英語必須パターン

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"I can't wait for ~": ~が待ちきれない


"I can't wait for ~": ~が待ちきれない

- 構造
"I can't wait for" + 名詞・名詞句・動詞の -ing 形

- 例文
I can't wait for the weekend!

I can't wait to see my friends again.

I can't wait for my vacation.

- 必須表現
I (私)
can't wait (待ちきれない)
for (〜のために)
the weekend (週末)
to see (会うために)
my friends (私の友達)
again (また)
my vacation (私の休暇)

- 注意
* "I can't wait for" の後に続くのは、未来の出来事である必要があります。
* 名詞 の場合は、不定冠詞 "a" を省略することができます。

- 活用
I can't wait for the new movie to come out.

I can't wait to start my new job.

We can't wait to travel to Europe next year.

I can't wait to see my family again.

I can't wait to get my new phone.

She can't wait to meet her idol.

I can't wait to relax on the beach.

I can't wait to eat my mom's cooking again.

I can't wait to feel happy again.

- アドバイス
* "I can't wait for ~" は、カジュアルな会話でよく使われます。
* "I'm so excited to ~" や "I'm really looking forward to ~" などの表現と同義です。
* "I can't wait for ~" の後に、具体的な理由を付け加えると、より気持ちが伝わりやすくなります。

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