"Is there anyone here who ~?" : ~できる人がいますか?
"Is there anyone here who ~?" : ~できる人がいますか?
- 構造
Is there + anyone + here + who + 動詞の -s 形 + 疑問符
- 例文
Is there anyone here who speaks Spanish?
Is there anyone here who can help me with this problem?
Is there anyone here who is interested in going to the movie tonight?
- 必須表現
Is there (〜いますか?)
anyone (誰か)
here (ここ)
who (誰が)
speaks (話せる)
Spanish (スペイン語)
help me with this problem (この問題を手伝ってくれる人)
interested in (興味がある)
going to the movie (映画に行く)
tonight (今晩)
- 注意
* 動詞は現在形の -s 形 である必要があります。
* "who" の後に否定形を使うこともできます。
- 活用
Is there anyone here who can translate this document for me?
Is there anyone here who knows how to fix a flat tire?
Is there anyone here who can recommend a good restaurant?
Is there anyone here who likes to play sports?
Is there anyone here who is interested in learning about Japanese culture?
Is there anyone here who would like to volunteer for this project?
Is there anyone here who has a different opinion?
Is there anyone here who would like to ask a question?
Is there anything else we should discuss?
- アドバイス
* "Is there anyone here who ~?" は、会議、ワークショップ、パーティーなどの場において、参加者に質問したり、意見を求めたりするのに役立ちます。
* "anyone" の代わりに "somebody" や "someone" を使うこともできます。
* より丁寧な表現としては、 "Could you please tell me if there is anyone here who ~?" を使うことができます。
- 構造
Is there + anyone + here + who + 動詞の -s 形 + 疑問符
- 例文
Is there anyone here who speaks Spanish?
Is there anyone here who can help me with this problem?
Is there anyone here who is interested in going to the movie tonight?
- 必須表現
Is there (〜いますか?)
anyone (誰か)
here (ここ)
who (誰が)
speaks (話せる)
Spanish (スペイン語)
help me with this problem (この問題を手伝ってくれる人)
interested in (興味がある)
going to the movie (映画に行く)
tonight (今晩)
- 注意
* 動詞は現在形の -s 形 である必要があります。
* "who" の後に否定形を使うこともできます。
- 活用
Is there anyone here who can translate this document for me?
Is there anyone here who knows how to fix a flat tire?
Is there anyone here who can recommend a good restaurant?
Is there anyone here who likes to play sports?
Is there anyone here who is interested in learning about Japanese culture?
Is there anyone here who would like to volunteer for this project?
Is there anyone here who has a different opinion?
Is there anyone here who would like to ask a question?
Is there anything else we should discuss?
- アドバイス
* "Is there anyone here who ~?" は、会議、ワークショップ、パーティーなどの場において、参加者に質問したり、意見を求めたりするのに役立ちます。
* "anyone" の代わりに "somebody" や "someone" を使うこともできます。
* より丁寧な表現としては、 "Could you please tell me if there is anyone here who ~?" を使うことができます。