"What else ~?": 他に何?
"What else ~?": 他に何?
- 構造
What else + 疑問詞 + 主語 + 動詞
- 例文
What else can I do to help?
What else do you want to know?
What else would you like to order?
- 必須表現
What (何)
else (他に)
can (できる)
do (する)
to help (手伝うために)
want to know (知りたい)
would like to order (注文したい)
help (助ける)
know (知っている)
order (注文)
- 注意
* 最初の質問と追加の質問は同じ文法構造にする必要があります。
* "What else" は省略することができます。
- 活用
You mentioned that you went to France last year. What else did you do there?
I'm interested in learning more about your company. What else can you tell me?
I'm not sure what to eat. What else is on the menu?
I think we should cancel the meeting. What else do you think?
I like this new restaurant. What else do you like about it?
I'm not sure what to do next. What else would you suggest?
Would you like coffee or tea? What else would you like to drink?
We can go to the park, the zoo, or the museum. What else would you like to do?
You can have chicken, fish, or steak for dinner. What else would you like to eat?
- 構造
What else + 疑問詞 + 主語 + 動詞
- 例文
What else can I do to help?
What else do you want to know?
What else would you like to order?
- 必須表現
What (何)
else (他に)
can (できる)
do (する)
to help (手伝うために)
want to know (知りたい)
would like to order (注文したい)
help (助ける)
know (知っている)
order (注文)
- 注意
* 最初の質問と追加の質問は同じ文法構造にする必要があります。
* "What else" は省略することができます。
- 活用
You mentioned that you went to France last year. What else did you do there?
I'm interested in learning more about your company. What else can you tell me?
I'm not sure what to eat. What else is on the menu?
I think we should cancel the meeting. What else do you think?
I like this new restaurant. What else do you like about it?
I'm not sure what to do next. What else would you suggest?
Would you like coffee or tea? What else would you like to drink?
We can go to the park, the zoo, or the museum. What else would you like to do?
You can have chicken, fish, or steak for dinner. What else would you like to eat?